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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Obama Evens Playing Field - Class Warfare


Elizabeth Warren is running for senate against Republican, Scott Brown in MA.  If you remember, Scott won Ted Kennedy’s seat in the major Republican upset almost two years ago. Ms. Warren expresses her case for the Liberal Progressive government answers that are aimed at winning over Obama voters.

You will find it absolutely amazing that Ms. Warren distorts, discounts and then dismisses facts in her bitter, critical diatribe attacking those successful people as she also decries class warfare.  

Video Run Time : 0.50 - 2.06

As she so skillfully and deftly describes, they have risen above on the backs of working people. She crowed loudly, "There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own, nobody!" (She throws out this distortion)  Given the fact that Professor Warren was paid almost $200,000 by a major insurance company to help in their legal battle against asbestos victims -- on top of her $350,000 salary at Harvard -- it sounds like she's speaking from experience when she says, "There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own".

She goes on to add, "You built a factory out there; good for you." (She discounts that huge effort and task) and she continues, " But I want to be clear, you moved your goods to market on the roads that the rest of us paid for!" and, "You hired workers that the rest of us paid to educate?" and, "You were safe in your factory because of the police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for and you didn't have to worrying that marauding bands having to come and seize everything in your factory and hire somebody to protect against this because of the work the rest of us did." (She summarily dismissed the individual success and attributes it instead to the sweat of the workers below him that supplied the means for his success.  She also does not mention that successful people pay higher taxes to pay for those roads and services, risk their own money to fund their businesses and work harder too.)

I would like to interject here a real question about this woman's crackpot outlandish supposition:  I have never seen this ever happen in the USA today, but what country is she thinking about when mentioning "worrying that marauding bands having to come and seize everything in your factory", unless she sees a "Socialist peoples' uprising" is coming? Another observation, why did she use the awkward descriptions for the police or fire "departments" as "forces", like they were the Federal government uniformed soldiers of service instead of local and state funded department services?  I wonder how the heavily Federally supported and funded Service Employees International Union, SEIU,  is injecting monies into various State and Local Union Pension Funds figure into her thinking here?  

Elizabeth is Now at the Head of the Class Warfare!  

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How Arab-Muslims Fit in a U.S. Capitalist Economy - Not Good

"Neither a Lender nor a Borrower be" - Benjamin Franklin

Forbidden in the Quran: (the holy book of Islam), among them are adultery, gambling, cheating, consuming pork and alcohol, lending or accepting money for interest.

The conflict with the Quran's teachings such as the abstinence of pork, due to health issues of spoiled meat, has been minimized with the advent of refrigeration and preservatives;  both adultery and cheating are still a no-no; and drinking and gambling, excessively, are certainly deleterious to one's physical and financial health, but must be noted that widely accepted American societal tomes have since softened to allow imbibing in both with still those possible dangers.

The Melting Pot - 1908 Play
As they say in the Holy Quran, "Houston, we have a problem!" So, what's the problem with "lending or accepting money for interest"?  Well, the crux of it is the homogenization; or if you will, the mixing or melting together into a harmonious whole with a common culture, an American Amalgam in the crucible, or "melting pot". The term, "melting pot", was made popular by a play during the immigration boom of the early twentieth century. 

During the 1970s, the terms "mosaic" or "salad bowl" were introduced as metaphors by proponents of "multiculturalism", who assert cultural differences are valuable and should be preserved where different cultures mix like a salad bowl, but remain distinct.

Curiously, both "melting pot" and "mosaic" are used as synonymous connotations, each with the same cultural assumptions of our total population mix.  However, the denotation, the specific, literal concept is entirely contrary:
  • A "melting pot" is just that, where everything is wholly blended together and yet each component enjoys its individual identity.  
  •  A "mosaic" is a patchwork of pieces, where everything is stitched or stuck together as a whole and yet each component enjoys totally individual autonomy without shared commonality of purpose. 
So what's the Big Deal about being a Melting Pot or a Mosaic? 

It's a big deal if you live in Europe within a "multi-culturalism" society that is suffocating your country's government infrastructure for unemployment relief, welfare programs, health services, housing, food and education.  The liberal government policies of official acquiescence to allowing the migrating hordes into European countries has led to its societal collapse.  Within many mosques, it is to take advantage of the western government largess and run it into the ground, the unfortunate message, "Come on, it's not your country anyway, it's for those who desire to suck until dry at the teat of the infidel's treasury while as mujahideen, Islamic guerrilla fighters, conducting an important religious duty, a struggle or Jihad!"
How do you do business without any Interest for Money? 

Benjamin Franklin
It is one thing to heed Benjamin Franklin's well advised tenet to be watchful about one's thrift habits of spending and another when, in today's society, consumer purchases of food, shelter and services on credit are an unavoidable necessity of convenience. Honest and diligently managed credit accounts paid off monthly for the basics such as food, gasoline and small purchases are not the issue here. What is at stake here is the expectation of a higher standard of living  in the United States; after all, "If you can't make it here, you can't make it anywhere", as the New York song goes.
Solid financial banking institutions and businesses rely upon consumer confidence.  A society depends upon lending practices that encompass honest basics that include reasonable interest rates along with reliable bankers who can support depositor's needs and borrowers.  All what I described is against the Holy Quran because it requires "lending or accepting money for interest". 

How about "Barter" - a Goat for a Bushel?

How can a free capitalistic society function for the majority to reap and enjoy the rewards of hard work if a growing segment rejects the societal norms for success? Where does one get the capital to start a business, buy a home, purchase a car or pay for an education?  The dreams of so many people are to succeed and raise their standard of living to include a more comfortable life for themselves and their families. How does the Quran help them?  Or do they just become a burden upon the society that they migrate to, do not assimilate into and only propagate hatreds for their infidel caretakers and non-Muslims?

Radical Islam: Britain's huge problem

Run Time: 6:13

Fact:  Of an estimated 2009 world population of 6.8 billion, about 20% or 1.2 to 1.57 billion Muslims populate the world, with 60% in Asia and 20% living in the Middle East and North Africa.  Another 20% live in Western non-Muslim countries and regions like Europe, United States, Australia, Canada, South America, etc.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reagan's Star Wars Technology vs Obama's Star-Eyed Technocrats

Boeing Integrated Defense Systems
Airborne Laser (ABL)
Arabs Terrorists Think Our Drones Are Nasty Killers
Wait Until They See These Destroy Their Missile Offenses

Nuclear Missile Silo
The US Air Force Airborne Laser, (ABL), designated YAL-1A, is a high-energy laser weapon system for the destruction of tactical theatre ballistic missiles like the one ready to launch out of that underground missile silo. 

Reagan Speech - Brandenburg Gate - June 1987

This Star Wars Technology is what President Ronald Reagan had envisioned to defend the United States and its Allies. Although this video is about five years old, our military has been vigilant up to now with Congressional funding to assure that our advances are much further down the road than our adversaries at this point in time with this high-energy laser weapon systems technology.  

Run Time 2:08

Video & Specifications Provided by Boeing Aircraft Company

The Airborne Laser (ABL) will locate and track missiles in the boost phase of their flight, then accurately point and fire the high-energy laser, destroying enemy missiles near their launch areas.

  • Operates autonomously, above the clouds, outside the range of threat weapons but sufficiently close to enemy territory
  • Engages early, destroying ballistic missiles in their boost phase of flight over launch area
  • Cues and tracks targets, communicating with other joint theater assets for layered defense system
Unique Technology:
  • Nose-mounted turret with 1.5m telescope that focuses beams on missile and collects return image and signals
  • Beam Control System to acquire and track targets with precision accuracy

Make NO Mistake! ....Obama wants to cut our military expenditures down by reductions in troop and defense armaments as his proposed cuts to balance his bloated domestic budget! 

- After the 2012 Presidential Elections, do we all start learning to speak Mandarin or Farsi as our Official U.S. National Language?

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Obama Buffet Tax Menu - Jobs Bill

Warren Buffett's Buffet
Bottom Line at Top: "Kill Jobs Bill"

Taxes on the Menu.... Time to Buy More Union Votes!

More Bailouts for Union Pension & Retirement Funds....

Obama urged Congress to pony up roughly $200 billion in taxpayer money to "provide more jobs for teachers [and] more jobs for construction workers" and "more money to carry out other state and local activities" like many unfunded states' pension liabilities like the ones in Illinois some experts peg at $3 trillion or that California has factored in as estimated liabilities up to $3 trillion, on the optimism of the assumptions made according to State Public Fund experts on unfunded states' pension liabilities like the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) that provides retirement and health benefit services to more than 1.6 million Union members... Hello, General Motors Union Pensions Bailout!
AFL-CIO Union Management.... 

Special guests - AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and Union Thug;   Antonio Villaraigosa (Left) Current Los Angeles Mayor, Former Union Organizer; Mark Mallory (Right) Cincinnati Mayor, Union Promoter are watching carefully as President Obama delivers his "Nationalized Federal Pro-Union Jobs Bill" Address to Congress.
Obama inviting his Union Bosses to sit in the "front row seats" to his Address to Congress, Obama urged Congress to spend more money even after handing out hundreds of billions of dollars for similar purposes as part of the 2009 stimulus package, as well as a score and more billion dollars again in 2010. 

Antonio Villaraigosa
These vast contributions to the coffers of state and local governments, though pitched as a jobs bill, are in reality the latest in a series of bailouts for debt-ridden state and local governments. They are of special benefit to states in the Blue Regions of the Country where the president's most fervent supporters reside. Antonio Villaraigosa sought to gain titular sovereign control of the second largest unionized school districts, the Los Angeles Unified School District, with final say on all decisions and he failed. Diversity also means future voters with a breakdown by ethnic group, 73% of its students were of Hispanic origin and 11% of its students were African American. White American students comprise 9% of the student population, while Asian American students comprise 4%; students of Filipino origin form 2% of the student population. Native Americans and Pacific Islanders together are less than 1%. LAUSD served 694,288 students, and had 45,473 teachers and 38,494 other employees. It cost $10,514.37/yr. per student to educate them. The total Los Angeles City School District budget for 2009-2010 is $7.3 billion. Only the New York City Department of Education has a larger student population and budget.

In Cincinnati, Ohio, Mayor Mark Mallory is mired in dubious political activities concerning the misappropriation of the legislative power of council by Mayor to keep Union members, 44 police officers, on the street. Not only is Mayor Mallory hurting the city fiscally, he is usurping the authority of council granted in the city charter.  In order to get more Union jobs, Mallory and the Obama Administration want to buy votes by building more bridges in the Cincinnati where many residents see no need, except to raise more Federal income taxes and to charge new toll road bridge use taxes which comes back to Washington, DC. A heavy Union members voter block in Ohio is really needed for Obama to win there in 2012 too!
In many Blue States, legislators have done what the Washington politicians do by running up extraordinary state debts. Nationwide, state debt is running around $3 trillion. If unfunded pension liabilities are factored in, estimated liabilities leap forward by Trillions plus, depending on the degree of optimism of the assumptions made by fund actuaries figuring pension returns and payouts.

The Bond Market.... 

The bond market has reacted accordingly. In a new study at Harvard's Program on Education Policy and Governance, why the Obama administration is so interested in helping out the Blue States with legislatures is that they are heavily Democratic and have a voter base of a highly unionized public-sector work force. They must pay interest rates that are often an extra half a percentage point higher than Red States

Specifically, a 20 percentage-point increment in either the Democratic share of the state legislature or a comparable increase in the share of the public work force that is unionized drives up interest rates by nearly a half a percentage point on a five-year security note. That amount is nontrivial. In Obama's home state of Illinois, it is costing Illinois intrastate governments over $700 million annually. The impact of these political factors on interest rates is in addition to the impact of standard economic factors, such as a state's unemployment rate, its gross domestic product growth, and its debt-to-GDP ratio, all of which are themselves shaped in part by the left-leaning state's political climate. 

In short, the bond market has concluded that: the more unionized the state and the bluer its political coloring, the riskier it is to hold bonds marketed by that state. 

Federal rescue of states is a dramatic departure from past practice. State bankruptcies date back to the 1840s when, amid a financial crisis, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois and five other states discovered they had invested too heavily in infrastructure. The last state bankruptcy was in Arkansas during the 1930s. But overall the instances were few; in each case the federal government refused to come up with a fix.

Bankrupt states paid the price, but for the country as a whole, a system of fiscally sovereign states has proven incredibly beneficial to the nation's economic well-being. 

Tell Obama - "NO MORE BAIL-OUTS".... 
Federal fiscal bailouts put our federal system at risk. In essence, the national government is acting as if states are too big to fail. In the next financial crisis, the federal government may decide that states need to be treated like General Motors or, at least, be given ever bigger handouts of the kind the Obama administration seems committed to making.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Obama Stereo Sound Experience - Jobs Bill

 Obama has Spoken!
Experience Surround Sound

                                     CLICK ARROW on Bottom Video

 Pass the Bill Boys!
Major Jobs Turkey

Pay the Doctor Boys!
Major Medical Pigeon
Can ANYONE Understand Over
Campaign Background Noise

Obama said, "Pass this Jobs Plan right away, I promise to take this Message to every corner of this country!" ...Saay Whaat??  ...Have YOU read the Bill  yet?

Obama said, "This Bill is entirely paid for with "Out of Pocket Funds". The definition of "Out of Pocket Funds" is direct & indirect taxes - see below.

1. Indirect - "Payroll Tax will be cut by 1/2". 

Payroll Tax comprises of 12.4% rate - Combo Social Security & Medicare Tax. It will stimulate people to spend their money which then returns back into the General Fund as a Transfer to pay back into the Social Security Fund - That is a joke because, as always, in the past the Social Security Lock Box Account gets an I.O.U. chit, not a General Fund Transfer and will be further underfunded with this new Jobs Program because it takes away the automatic Social Security Tax Payroll deduction by 50%.

2.  Direct - "Income Tax Deductions will be disallowed for all Individuals over $200K and for the Families over $250K."

a.  Mortgage Interest 33% Write-off - decreases home sales, reduces mortgage services, home building and home prices.

b.  Charity Donations 100% Write-Off - decreases sponsored health services, shrinks food banks, closes shelters, under funds religious institutions and outreach programs.  It bankrupts the public sector charities and pushes individuals into a dependency on the  largess of huge centralized Federal Government Programs like food stamps, welfare payments, public housing and healthcare.  The only way to receive more benefits is to vote for the politicians who support these types of liberal programs.

c.  State Income & Local Tax 100% Write-Off - Increases the taxable Federal Income base for the tax levy due to the larger gross net income that will include the state income taxes paid. 

Won't Cut Spending
    Will Increase Taxes
   Destroy Jobs    

Obama U.S. Jobs Motto
"One & Done" - Time to Move on!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Obama's Empty Suit Policies

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Junior
"The Empty Suit"

President Barack Obama, "The Empty Suit", finally reached the apex of scale for incompetence, the pinnacle of the FDR New Deal Program Plan that culminated into the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression of 1929. Three major Depressions, so defined because of the depth and duration of the collapse have occurred in American history: 1837, 1893, and 1929.  What does this really say about Obama's role in causing the rise up to this current Debt Debacle Disaster and Ruined Economy?  A lot, but what was wrong?  Obama is the wrong person, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong plan of action. 

National Recovery
1933 - 1935
FDR pushed his New Deal Program through the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) with Federal Agencies and laws for: Agricultural Farmland (What food to grow or not), Business Sectors (What to produce, what to sell and what price), Jobs Creation (What to work), Housing (Where to live), Healthcare (What kind of services) and Retirement Programs (What to provide for pensions and benefits).  

The NRA provided that in America each industry should be organized into a federally supervised trade association, a corporative or called a Code Authority. These code authorities could regulate production, quantities, qualities, prices, distribution methods, etc., under the supervision of the NRA. This is pure fascism, when citizens own the plants or stores to make or sell goods and services and the State dictates everything you do.  With Socialism, the State own the plants or stores to make or sell goods and services and dictates where you work.

The public backlash against the Act was so significant that it generated a large loss of political support for the New Deal and turned a number of Roosevelt's closest aides against him. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional in 1935. Roosevelt himself shifted his strategy on ways to achieve his economic recovery and began a new legislative program, known as the "Second New Deal" in 1935 doomed for more failure until January 1943, when World War II pushed the country forward into a wartime economy. The wartime bailed out Roosevelt while giving rise to a dynamic economy creating more privately-held companies, jobs and spending. 

                        The "Big Three" at the Yalta Conference in Crimea on the Black Sea                            Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin
In the meeting at Yalta, February 5, 1945,  a very sickly F.D.R. divides up the the spoils of WWII with Great Britain and Russia. Essentially setting the "Cold War" world up until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989,  F.D.R. allowed the Russian seizure of Sino-Soviet Manchurian territories of China and Japan.  F.D.R. also enticed the Russians with many concessions to join the United Nations with a secret rule for a veto power vote to block unwanted decisions, say huh?  Roosevelt later conceded that the language of Yalta was so vague that the Soviets would be able to "stretch it all the way from Yalta to Washington without ever technically breaking it."  Wow, great thinking during your hard-nose negotiations while you got the Russians to join the United Nations, Mr. President!  LOL!  

In 1945, eight weeks after Yalta, F.D.R. finally dropped out of the picture by literally dropping dead in the beginning of his fourth term with allegedly a cerebral hemorrhage or melanoma cancer behind the eye, either one affecting his thinking brain.  Hmmn?  He served from March 4, 1933 until he died on April 12, 1945. Afterwards, the 22nd Amendment to the constitution was passed into law what had previously only been convention: that Presidents should serve no more than two terms. Great decision!

Currently, the Federal Entitlement Programs have grown massive. Under Obama, all of these programs, especially Obamacare, have become even bigger.  Obama believes, as a Socialist, in the Centralized Government System model for redistribution of wealth.  Obama appears to be either oblivious or coyly knows of F.D.R.'s foibles due to his liberal monetary, budgetary and tax policies as contributors to the continuation well beyond the 1929 Great Depression Era lasting on into almost twelve years of the Roosevelt Presidency.  Either way, Obama does not really care about the repercussions he creates except to transform the United States as a country under the New World Order.

SEIU Protest - May Day 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Obama has followed Roosevelt's example closely in bringing into American labor unions as many voters as possible and in capturing their leadership to be used to build up the powerful labor faction, like the Service Employees International Union, which would control the Democratic party and which Obama and his allies would control through the huge power of the government and the vast powers of the labor leaders, along with the immense financial resources that so great a labor movement would have. 

SEIU Protest - May Day 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Under FDR, the Communists were interested in getting into key positions as union officers, statisticians, economists, etc., in order to utilize the apparatus of the unions to promote their "Cause of Revolution". Under Obama, that joint Union and Communist coalition synergy has certainly not changed or diminished today either.


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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Obama Answers If God is Dead

April 8, 1966 Cover

In 1966, when Barry Soreto was five years old, Time Magazine was screaming out on the cover the question, "Is God Dead?"  In 2006, forty years later, Barack Obama answers that same question with a "Yes we can!"

Senator Barack Obama, in a June 2006 speech, mocked and attacked Jesus Christ and the Bible to the liberal Christian group "Call to Renewal" by deliberately distorting the Bible and taking a "fruitcake interpretation" of the U.S. Constitution where you pick and choose which nuts and fruit you eat and throw the rest of the hard cake away.

                                                                                   Video Time: 2:09

Obama suggested that it would be impractical to govern based solely on the word of the Bible, noting that some passages suggest:

  1. Slavery is permissible and eating shellfish is disgraceful. "Which passages of scripture should guide our public policy?" Obama asked in the speech. "Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is OK and that eating shellfish is an abomination? 
  2. Or we could go with Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith? 
  3. Or should we just stick to the Sermon on the Mount? "He also called Jesus' Sermon on the Mount "a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our Defense Department would survive its application." 
"So, before we get carried away, let's read our Bible now," Obama said to hearty chuckles and cheers, "Folks haven't been reading their Bible."

Surprise, Mr. President, the "Folks" DO READ their Bibles! and that's your first mistake with the facts ...The second one is "Folks" DO READ their Bibles! and know you are not telling the truth   ,,,The third one is "Folks" DO READ their Bibles!  and They know they need a new leader, not a follower!

Obama distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own One World view, his own confused theology, is dragging biblical understanding through the gutter. Obama's suggestions are an attempt to lead by the lowest common denominator of morality. Unless everybody agrees, we have no right to fight for what we believe in because there are people in our multicultural country who take offense or don't see Christian-Judeo religious values as moral issues. So, if everyone can't agree with them, then it is undemocratic for anyone to try and pass legislation banning laws or actions that are found to be offensive to Biblical Scripture. (Unless it is from the Quran or Sharia Law?)  Now, that is a "fruitcake interpretation" of the Bible!

Obama may claim to be a Christian, and he may even succeed in fooling a couple of people, but to those who know better, it seems very clear that his words betray what he claims his heart stands for and for the country!

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Obama's Alzheimer's - Memory Loss Bears Repeating

Remember the old adage? 
 "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat  it."  

Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Talking about repeating yourself, Mark Twain, the well known 19th & 20th Century American Humorist said it best:
"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it."

The Chicago Tribune once had a reputation of objective journalism. This
1934 Chicago Tribune editorial cartoon was an unmistakable epitaph from the past well worth remembering too...77 Years Later!
"Plan of Action for the U.S."

Okay! ...Who are all the dead people in a 1934 Cartoon?  

Communist Russian Dictator Josef Stalin standing over to the right saying, "How Red the sunrise is getting." (Referring to how his "Red Communist Party" and socialism is rising up in the U.S.)  

The "Young Pinkies" students drinking from "booze bottles of power" from very left-leaning socialist institutions of Columbia and Harvard Universities are riding in the "Democrat donkey" pulled apple cart, full of govt. dole - money, ridden and lead by Rexford Tugwell, former Economics Professor at Columbia and now Head of the FDR Resettlement Administration to relocate citizens. (Referring to as "Pinkies", the students are a "pink" color inside as their liberal political socialist beliefs are "red communist" beliefs hidden from the outside. Tugwell ran Federal Central Planning with a socialist program that redistributed people onto lands and into housing projects that majorly failed.) 

In the cart, shovelling money out onto the roads are Harold Eckes, U.S. Sec. of Interior; Henry Wallace, Sec. of Agriculture; and Donald Richberg, Key Legal Aide to FDR for the "New Deal" Program.  (These liberal progressives closely worked alongside FDR to run the United States into the ground during the entire Roosevelt Presidential rein, literally foundering it onto the rocks.) What were the voters thinking to let a miserable socialist liberal leaning cabinet and a physically weak polio-stricken President to run the United States government?

The key phrase on the sign at the bottom left is: "Blame the Capitalists for Failure!" for the downfall and bust due to the U.S. Recovery overspending. So, "Junk the Constitution!" and "Declare a Dictatorship!"

"Those who forget history are doomed to repeat  it."  
...Hello, Franklin D. Roosevelt ....Barack Hussein Obama? 


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