Maybe we need that Michael Jackson Song!
For those people who have forgotten or need a reminder on the facts about Afghanistan:
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General David Patraeus |
The character of the war evolved from a violent struggle by U.S.-led forces against Al-Qaeda and its Taliban supporters, to a complex counterinsurgency effort by U.S.-led forces, against Afghans who claim to be trying to expel those U.S.-led forces. The war has killed tens of thousands of people, the majority of whom have been civilians.
As General Patraeus says, "To win this war we must win the hearts and minds of the people." That brief explanation tells why we are in Afghanistan but not why Afghans are trying to expel us.
What if you do not read or write at all, an illiterate, and cannot communicate fluently with others outside your ethnic region?
The Taliban asks you if you remember the Soviets when they were in Afghanistan and then tells you the Americans are the same. In the isolated mountainous areas, the Americans are up against an illiterate population. In the large cities below, millions of text books deemed "too radical" for their own schools in Saudi Arabia were given to the radical Islams during the Soviet occupation to support terror efforts and are still in use today.
Washington stop telling all of the United States Voters that "We must win their hearts and minds." No one in Washington speaks about any of the huge communication problems going on with the illiterate Afghan people. Our own troops on the ground do not even have any Afghan interpreters that speak the correct regional dialects. How can the U.S. win their hearts and minds when they don't read or know what you are saying?...Duh!
Afghanistan War Cost: $1.2 Billion/day
(DOD 2010 Budget)
The Real Answer is simpler and cheaper, but takes time...
...Educate the People!
It's as simple as Do-Re-Mi / ABC, 123!