Forbidden in the Quran: (the holy book of Islam), among them are adultery, gambling, cheating, consuming pork and alcohol, lending or accepting money for interest.
The conflict with the Quran's teachings such as the abstinence of pork, due to health issues of spoiled meat, has been minimized with the advent of refrigeration and preservatives; both adultery and cheating are still a no-no; and drinking and gambling, excessively, are certainly deleterious to one's physical and financial health, but must be noted that widely accepted American societal tomes have since softened to allow imbibing in both with still those possible dangers.
As they say in the Holy Quran, "Houston, we have a problem!" So, what's the problem with "lending or accepting money for interest"? Well, the crux of it is the homogenization; or if you will, the mixing or melting together into a harmonious whole with a common culture, an American Amalgam in the crucible, or "melting pot". The term, "melting pot", was made popular by a play during the immigration boom of the early twentieth century.
During the 1970s, the terms "mosaic" or "salad bowl" were introduced as metaphors by proponents of "multiculturalism", who assert cultural differences are valuable and should be preserved where different cultures mix like a salad bowl, but remain distinct.
Curiously, both "melting pot" and "mosaic" are used as synonymous connotations, each with the same cultural assumptions of our total population mix. However, the denotation, the specific, literal concept is entirely contrary:
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The Melting Pot - 1908 Play |
During the 1970s, the terms "mosaic" or "salad bowl" were introduced as metaphors by proponents of "multiculturalism", who assert cultural differences are valuable and should be preserved where different cultures mix like a salad bowl, but remain distinct.
Curiously, both "melting pot" and "mosaic" are used as synonymous connotations, each with the same cultural assumptions of our total population mix. However, the denotation, the specific, literal concept is entirely contrary:
- A "melting pot" is just that, where everything is wholly blended together and yet each component enjoys its individual identity.
- A "mosaic" is a patchwork of pieces, where everything is stitched or stuck together as a whole and yet each component enjoys totally individual autonomy without shared commonality of purpose.
So what's the Big Deal about being a Melting Pot or a Mosaic?
It's a big deal if you live in Europe within a "multi-culturalism" society that is suffocating your country's government infrastructure for unemployment relief, welfare programs, health services, housing, food and education. The liberal government policies of official acquiescence to allowing the migrating hordes into European countries has led to its societal collapse. Within many mosques, it is to take advantage of the western government largess and run it into the ground, the unfortunate message, "Come on, it's not your country anyway, it's for those who desire to suck until dry at the teat of the infidel's treasury while as mujahideen, Islamic guerrilla fighters, conducting an important religious duty, a struggle or Jihad!"
How do you do business without any Interest for Money?
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Benjamin Franklin |
Solid financial banking institutions and businesses rely upon consumer confidence. A society depends upon lending practices that encompass honest basics that include reasonable interest rates along with reliable bankers who can support depositor's needs and borrowers. All what I described is against the Holy Quran because it requires "lending or accepting money for interest".
How about "Barter" - a Goat for a Bushel?
How can a free capitalistic society function for the majority to reap and enjoy the rewards of hard work if a growing segment rejects the societal norms for success? Where does one get the capital to start a business, buy a home, purchase a car or pay for an education? The dreams of so many people are to succeed and raise their standard of living to include a more comfortable life for themselves and their families. How does the Quran help them? Or do they just become a burden upon the society that they migrate to, do not assimilate into and only propagate hatreds for their infidel caretakers and non-Muslims?
Radical Islam: Britain's huge problem
Run Time: 6:13
Fact: Of an estimated 2009 world population of 6.8 billion, about 20% or 1.2 to 1.57 billion Muslims populate the world, with 60% in Asia and 20% living in the Middle East and North Africa. Another 20% live in Western non-Muslim countries and regions like Europe, United States, Australia, Canada, South America, etc.
VOTE 2012! ~
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