Remember the old adage?
"Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it."
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Mark Twain (1835-1910) |
"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it."
The Chicago Tribune once had a reputation of objective journalism. This 1934 Chicago Tribune editorial cartoon was an unmistakable epitaph from the past well worth remembering too...77 Years Later!
"Plan of Action for the U.S."
Okay! ...Who are all the dead people in a 1934 Cartoon?
Communist Russian Dictator Josef Stalin standing over to the right saying, "How Red the sunrise is getting." (Referring to how his "Red Communist Party" and socialism is rising up in the U.S.)
The "Young Pinkies" students drinking from "booze bottles of power" from very left-leaning socialist institutions of Columbia and Harvard Universities are riding in the "Democrat donkey" pulled apple cart, full of govt. dole - money, ridden and lead by Rexford Tugwell, former Economics Professor at Columbia and now Head of the FDR Resettlement Administration to relocate citizens. (Referring to as "Pinkies", the students are a "pink" color inside as their liberal political socialist beliefs are "red communist" beliefs hidden from the outside. Tugwell ran Federal Central Planning with a socialist program that redistributed people onto lands and into housing projects that majorly failed.)
In the cart, shovelling money out onto the roads are Harold Eckes, U.S. Sec. of Interior; Henry Wallace, Sec. of Agriculture; and Donald Richberg, Key Legal Aide to FDR for the "New Deal" Program. (These liberal progressives closely worked alongside FDR to run the United States into the ground during the entire Roosevelt Presidential rein, literally foundering it onto the rocks.) What were the voters thinking to let a miserable socialist liberal leaning cabinet and a physically weak polio-stricken President to run the United States government?
The key phrase on the sign at the bottom left is: "Blame the Capitalists for Failure!" for the downfall and bust due to the U.S. Recovery overspending. So, "Junk the Constitution!" and "Declare a Dictatorship!"
"Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it."
...Hello, Franklin D. Roosevelt ....Barack Hussein Obama?
VOTE 2012! ~
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